Cowes Week, the annual sailing regatta held on the Solent each August. Man steering motorized dinghy following sailboats.
Credit: ©VisitBritain/Ben Selway
The Needles is a row of three distinctive chalk sea stacks that rise out of the sea off the western extremity of the Isle of Wight. There is a lighthouse at the end of the stacks. Aerial view.
Credit: ©VisitBritain/ Jason Hawkes
Sailing boats racing on the Solent during Cowes Week, the largest sailing regatta of its kind in the world.
Credit: ©VisitBritain/Ben Selway
热爱大自然的你,可以选择迎着海风在68英里长的海滨步道享受徒步,或是漫步充满诗情画意的海角圣海伦斯沙屿,亦或是到西怀特观赏著名的白垩岩“尼德尔斯”(The Needles)... 来这里旅行,一两天甚至都不够用。
Young woman with a fluorescent hoop at Bestival, a four-day music festival held at the Robin Hill country park on the Isle of Wight, England.
Credit:©VisitBritain/Andrew Pickett
近年来,怀特岛也在不断焕发出新鲜的活力气息,只要你愿意,总能在怀特岛找到无尽的乐趣体验:参加每年8月举办的怀特岛骑行盛会,打卡世界上规模最大的考斯周帆船赛(Cowes Week),沉醉于英格兰顶级款酷潮Bestival音乐节...个个都是惊喜满满。