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Inaccurate criticism damages TIC’s reputation


Inaccurate criticism damages TIC’s reputation


During the past few months, there was a series of emails sent to various parties containing unfounded attacks and criticisms against the Travel Industry Council (TIC), which has seriously damaged the image and credibility of the TIC. Through different channels, the TIC has already explained the whole matter to its members with a view to enhancing communication and understanding between itself and its members.

However, another letter was sent on 19 January to the Chief Executive of the HKSAR Government and the Commissioner of the ICAC, making plenty of criticisms against the Chairman and several Directors of the TIC without putting forth any evidence. The TIC is very concerned about the issue.

Given the seriousness of the issue, the TIC plans to approach the authorities for follow-up action and a thorough investigation and will set the record straight in due course.

For enquiries, please contact Executive Director Mr Joseph Tung or Chairman Mr Ronnie Ho.