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Travel Industry Council and eight travel associations fully support Hong Kong Palace Museum


Travel Industry Council and eight travel associations fully support Hong Kong Palace Museum


The Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong (TIC) and eight travel associations* fully support the construction of the Hong Kong Palace Museum (HKPM) in the West Kowloon Cultural District.

The HKPM occupies an area of about 10,000 square metres, and its major facilities include exhibition galleries, lecture theatres, souvenir shops and restaurants. Apart from showcasing the history and culture of the Palace Museum in Beijing and the imperial life of Chinese emperors through cultural relics on permanent exhibition, the HKPM will also focus on the collections of the Palace Museum such as paintings, calligraphic works, ceramics and other cultural artefacts. There will also be a gallery in the HKPM dedicated to feature collections from Hong Kong collectors.

In recent years, Hong Kong’s tourism industry has continued to pursue multi-faceted development in order to create new attractions on top of its traditional ones such as shopping, fine dining and entertainment. When the HKPM is completed, it not only will turn the West Kowloon Cultural District into an internationally acclaimed cultural venue, but also will attract visitors from overseas and the mainland alike and definitely become a new draw on Hong Kong’s tourism scene – a cultural attraction full of special characteristics.

The travel industry deeply hopes that the HKPM project will commerce as soon as possible.

* The Hong Kong Association of Travel Agents, The Federation of Hong Kong Chinese Travel Agents, the International Chinese Tourist Association, the Society of IATA Passenger Agents, the Hongkong Taiwan Tourist Operators Association, the Hong Kong Association of China Travel Organisers, the Hong Kong Outbound Tour Operators’ Association and the Hongkong Japanese Tour Operators Association.


TIC Chairman Mr Jason Wong (sixth from left), Legislative Councillor (Tourism) Mr Yiu Si Wing (fourth from left) and representatives of travel associations present a letter to Mr Duncan Pescod (fifth from left), Chief Executive Officer of the West Kowloon Cultural Authority to express the travel industry’s full support for the construction of the Hong Kong Palace Museum in the West Kowloon Cultural District.