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Talk on Hong Kong UNESCO Global Geopark

Government and Public Bodies

Talk on Hong Kong UNESCO Global Geopark


To complement the Green Lifestyle Local Tour Incentive Scheme launched by the Government, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department specially organises a talk on Introduction to Hong Kong UNESCO Global Geopark” for the trade.

The aims of the talk are to help travel agents have a preliminary understanding on the Hong Kong Geopark before planning a tour, and enhance the knowledge and skills of tourist guides or tour escorts required for receiving a geo tour. The speaker will introduce the establishment and purposes of the Hong Kong Geopark, as well as the geological, cultural features and visiting information of various geosites. Details of the talk are as follows:

Date :  14 February 2020 (Friday)
Time : 3:30 – 5:00 pm
Venue :   Room 1809, 18/F, Fortress Tower, 250 King’s Road, Hong Kong
Speaker :  Ms Winnie Wong (Geopark Ranger)
Target :  Tourist guides, tour escorts and member travel agents who wish to organise geopark tours
Language :   Cantonese (with PPT slides in Chinese and English)
Fee :    Free admission
Online application :

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