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Talk on E-Marketing for SME Travel Agents


Talk on E-Marketing for SME Travel Agents


To assist members in preparing for the post-pandemic recovery, the TIC organised an online talk “E-Marketing for SME Travel Agents” on 11 August. Close to 166 participants joined the online talk.

The two speakers, whom the TIC has invited, have extensive experience in social media marketing. During the talk, Mr Eugene Chan, Teaching Fellow of Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management and Hospitality of Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong, has introduced ways to effectively expand online business opportunities through social media channels, while Mr Bernie Wong, Founder of Social Stand Limited, shared cases of successful social media marketing. It is believed that most participants have benefited from the talk by attaining a better understanding of digital marketing.

During the final session of the talk, the “Pilot Information Technology Development Matching Fund Scheme for Travel Agents: Briefing session for twelfth-round applications” was conducted for members who are considering applying for funding from the Scheme to enhance adoption of information technology in their business so as to strengthen their competitiveness.