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Travel Agents Incentive Scheme


Travel Agents Incentive Scheme


On 23 October 2019, the Government, together with the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) and the TIC, announced the launch of the Travel Agents Incentive Scheme, aimed at providing cash incentives for travel agents based on the number of inbound and outbound overnight travellers they serve. 

The Scheme is funded by the Government and comprises two parts, namely inbound travel (administered by the HKTB) and outbound travel (administered by the TIC). The maximum number of eligible travellers for which cash incentives can be disbursed to a travel agent is 1,000, which include inbound travellers (cash incentives of HK$120 each) and outbound travellers (cash incentives of HK$100 each), with the closing of the period of eligible trips (inbound and outbound) being 31 March 2022.

Members may download the following documents for the details of the Scheme:

The application period of the Scheme is from 18 November 2019 to 15 April 2022.

For enquiries about the Travel Agents Incentive Scheme (Inbound), please contact the HKTB:

For enquiries about the Travel Agents Incentive Scheme (Outbound), please contact the TIC: