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Webinar on “Art from adversity: innovation in the age of covid-19”


Webinar on “Art from adversity: innovation in the age of covid-19”


Organised by The Economist, and supported by the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong, the Construction Innovation and Technology Application Centre, the European Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and the British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, a webinar on “Art from adversity: innovation in the age of covid-19” will be held on 31 March 2021. 

Speakers from Hong Kong Disneyland Resorts, AWS Professional Services, Arup Group Limited and Swire Coca-Cola Hong Kong Limited have been invited to share their views on how Hong Kong companies continue their innovation in tackling market challenges during the epidemic in order to suit the needs of customers, adapt to the “new normal” and catch up with opportunities. 

The webinar will be conducted in English from 11:00 am to 12:00 noon. Members are invited to participate online. Those who are interested can click here for details and submission of the online registration form