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“Award Scheme for Learning Experiences 2022” under the Qualifications Framework is now open for application

Government and Public Bodies

“Award Scheme for Learning Experiences 2022” under the Qualifications Framework is now open for application




The “Award Scheme for Learning Experiences (2022)” (The Award Scheme) under the Qualifications Framework is now open for application. The deadline of application is 15 August 2022.

The Award Scheme is one of the initiatives put forward under the 2013-14 Budget. The Award Scheme aims to encourage practitioners who have excelled themselves in continuous learning in the respective industries to engage in learning activities in different places with a view to broadening their horizons and developing network with local and overseas industry partners within or outside Hong Kong. These awardees will serve as lifelong learning role models for their respective industries and help attract the younger generation to pursue career in these fields and promote the concept of “becoming Master of Trade through Multiple Pathways”

The Scheme covers the travel industry that encourages and supports awardees with fixed cash incentive to participate in industry-related learning activities held inside and outside Hong Kong.

Interested parties may visit the official website of the Award Scheme under the Qualifications Framework for further information. The website also includes the information of learning activities (travel industry) and the sharing from the awardees of all previous sessions.


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