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High Speed Rail (Hong Kong Section) will launch a new long-haul line to Sichuan Province and step-up services to Guangdong Province starting in July

Government and Public Bodies

High Speed Rail (Hong Kong Section) will launch a new long-haul line to Sichuan Province and step-up services to Guangdong Province starting in July


The MTR Corporation announces on 15 June 2023 that the High-speed Rail (Hong Kong section) (HSR) will launch a new long-haul service to Sichuan Province with three new destinations: Chengdudong, Leshan and Yibinxi starting from 1 July (Saturday). The new service will provide one daily train service for both southbound and northbound directions. Train services between Hong Kong West Kowloon Station and Guangzhoudong, Shenzhenbei, and Futian stations will be strengthened starting from the same day.

Following Chongqing, Hunan and Guiyang, the newly added Chengdudong Line further extends HSR service to the south-western part of the country. The new destinations Chengdudong, Leshan and Yibinxi are hot spots for Hong Kong people to travel for both leisure and business purpose. It will provide passengers with new options for travel and business trips as well as facilitate the travel of people between Sichuan and Hong Kong, strengthening the connection between the two sides.

Moreover, starting from the same day, train services between Hong Kong West Kowloon Station and Guangzhoudong, Shenzhenbei, and Futian stations will be strengthened. The daily train frequency between Guangzhoudong and Hong Kong will increase from 13 to 19, while the train frequency connecting to Shenzhenbei and Futian station will increase from 49 to 51, as well as from 30 to 38 respectively. These enhancements will provide even greater convenience for daily commuting, tourism, and business travel.

Welcome to browse the press release of MTR Corporation for details.