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Poll Results of Extraordinary General Meeting


Poll Results of Extraordinary General Meeting


The TIC held an Extraordinary General Meeting at the Community Hall of the Tsim Sha Tsui District Kaifong Welfare Association yesterday (15 July) to consider and, if deem fit, to pass the following as a Special Resolution of the TIC:

“That the alterations to the Articles of Association as marked under the Appendix, be adopted.”

According to the auditor’s report, there were 378 votes in favour of Special Resolution(accounted for 99%), 2 votes against Special Resolution(accounted for 0.5%), and 2 abstention votes(accounted for 0.5%).The above resolution was passed as more than 75% of the votes were cast in favour of it.

The TIC would like to thank all member representatives who attended the meeting and supported the adoption of amendments to the existing M&A proposed by the Board of Directors.