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Announcement of successful applicants of【Hong Kong Travel Trade Belt and Road Delegation: Yanqing District of National Capital Beijing Municipality, Almaty of Kazakhstan】orgainsed by the TIC


Announcement of successful applicants of【Hong Kong Travel Trade Belt and Road Delegation: Yanqing District of National Capital Beijing Municipality, Almaty of Kazakhstan】orgainsed by the TIC


The registration of【Hong Kong Travel Trade Belt and Road Delegation: Yanqing District of National Capital Beijing Municipality, Almaty of Kazakhstan】(Delegation) is ended. Thank you for the encouraging support.

The TIC has informed each applicant of the result through email. All applicants may pay close attention to the email registered. Those who successfully obtained the quota must submit the registration information and make full payment of tour fare according to the information mentioned in the email. Please note that overdue payment will mean that the applicant waives his / her quota automatically, and he or she will not be reassigned any quota.

If applicant(s) have not yet received the email, please contact Mr Cheung of the TIC Corporate Communications Department on 2807-1199 asap.