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Welcome to participate in the “Hong Kong Holiday & Travel Expo 2024 Autumn”


Welcome to participate in the “Hong Kong Holiday & Travel Expo 2024 Autumn”


Organised by the Exhibition Group Limited, and co-organised by the TIC and Shenzhen Travel Association, the “Hong Kong Holiday & Travel Expo 2024 Autumn” (event) will be conducted between 27 and 29 September 2024 (Friday to Sunday) at Hall 5FG of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Please click here for more details of the event.

The event is supported by over 100 global distinctive organisations/enterprises including travel agents, Government tourism bureaux, MTR Corporation, airlines and business sectors. More than 300 booths offering participants to enjoy a wide range and diversified travel-related information and products are available. Themed zones including Chinese tea culture, skiing adventures and study tours also newly added.

The TIC also sets up a booth to publicise the information to the members of the public about staying alert of fraud involving fake travel agents. Looking forward to your participation!
