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Funding schemes and relief measures for the industry


Funding schemes and relief measures for the industry


1. Government Funding Scheme

 A: Distance Business Programme (D-Biz Programme)


Under the Anti-Epidemic Fund, the Innovation and Technology Commission has launched the Distance Business Programme to support enterprises to continue their business and services during the epidemic. The Programme provides funding support through fast-track processing for enterprises to adopt IT solutions for developing distance business. 


Private enterprises with a valid business registration certificate, ongoing business commenced before 1 January 2020 and substantive business operation in the industry related to the project are eligible.

Funding Amount﹕

For each IT solution and the relevant training expenses for employees, the funding ceiling is HK$100,000. Each enterprise may receive total funding up to HK$300,000.

Funding Scope:

The Programme covers 12 IT solution categories that relate to distance business including online business, online customer services and engagement, digital customer experience enhancement, digital payment, cloud-based financial management systems and virtual meeting and conference tools, etc.

Application Period:

From 9 am on 18 May 2020 to 6 pm 31 October 2020.

Enquiries & details:


 B: SME Export Marketing Fund (EMF)


To encourage small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to participate in export promotion activities.


SMEs that have substantive business operations in Hong Kong. 

Scope of Funding:

Export promotion activities which target markets outside Hong Kong, e.g. exhibitions, electronic platforms, placing advertisements, etc.

Maximum Cumulative Funding Amount:


Maximum Fund Amount for each Project:

50% of the total expenditure or HK$100,000 whichever is the lower.

Fundable Expense:

Participation fee of business mission, related expenses on transportation and accommodation.



C: SME Financing Guarantee Scheme (SFGS)


The Government provides bank loan guarantee for non-listed local enterprises to meet their business needs so as to enhance their competitiveness in the marketplace.


1. Eligible enterprises must have been in operation for at least one year in Hong Kong as at the date of submission of the relevant application form.

2. Must have good repayment record.

Guarantee Product:

80% Guarantee Product

Guarantee Fee:

80% Guarantee Product

Use of Proceeds:

1. For the purpose of acquiring assets to facilitate the eligible enterprises’ business operations or of general working capital for their business operations

2. Cannot be used in paying, restructuring or repackaging current loans

Maximum Loan Amount:

HK$15,000,000; for application submission from 19 November 2018 to 30 June 2022.

Maximum Guarantee Period:

Seven years; for application submission from 19 November 2018 to 30 June 2022.



 D: SME Loan Guarantee Scheme (SGS)


To provide 50% loan guarantee to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to help them secure loans from participating lending institutions (PLIs) for acquiring business installations and equipment or meeting working capital needs of general business uses.


• SMEs registered under the Business Registration Ordinance (Cap. 310) and with substantive business operation in Hong Kong

• The application should be submitted by PLIs.

Loan Guarantee Ceiling of Each Enterprise:

HK$6 million

Guarantee Period:

A maximum of five years


No guarantee fee. The enterprise may use the respective guarantee amount one more time for acquiring new loan(s), subject to a maximum guarantee amount of HK$6 million.



2. Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB)

Funding Support for Small-sized Meeting, Incentive & Convention (MIC) Groups 2019/20


To help Hong Kong inbound tour operators enhance their competitiveness in attracting small-sized meeting, incentive and convention businesses to Hong Kong

Eligibility of Applicant:

Hong Kong licensed travel agents with Ordinary Membership of Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong

Eligibility of MIC Group:

The MIC Group size should consist of 20 and 400 non-Hong Kong participants, and the arrival date should fall between 11 April 2019 and 30 September 2020.

Maximum Funding Amount:



MIC Group size

Maximum Funding Amount (HK$)













Application Period:

Submit application to Hong Kong Tourism Board between 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020.


3. Employees Retraining Board

 Love Upgrading Special Scheme

Special training programme by the Employees Retraining Board The Employees Retraining Board will launch in October the “Love Upgrading Special Scheme” to allow those unemployed, required to take no pay leave or under-employed to attend courses from October 2019 to March 2020, with a special allowance of up to $4,000 per month.