Training Activities
The eligible training activities including courses, examinations, seminars, workshops, talks, etc must be held in Hong Kong. Any activities held entirely outside Hong Kong or online are considered not eligible.
All travel agents of the TIC which hold a valid travel agent’s licence under the Travel Industry Ordinance are eligible to apply for subsidy, and may nominate their own staff members (including their employees and self-employed persons) to take part in eligible training activities in order to receive subsidy.
Tour Escorts holding a valid licence issued by the Travel Industry Authority may also take part in eligible training activities in order to receive subsidy.
The Working Group on Development Fund for the Travel Industry has approved the following lists of training activities. Since the lists will be reviewed by the Working Group on a regular basis, the eligibility of any training activities is subject to the latest lists.
Staff members of eligible travel agents/ tour escorts / tourist guides may also take part in training activities not included in the above lists, in which case the Vetting Committee will vet their eligibility for the subsidy on a case-by-case basis. No language courses, and diploma and bachelor’s or higher degree courses will be subsidised.
Each travel agent / tour escort / tourist guide will be subsidised with a maximum of 70% of the fee of a training activity if its application is successful provided that the fee of the training activity per person is not less than HK$500. The subsidy ceiling for each travel agent is HK$30,000 per year. The subsidy ceiling for each tour escort/ tourist guide is HK$5,000. The year of subsidy is to commence from 1 January of each year until 31 December of the same year.
Applications for subsidy for training activities may be made throughout the year. The applicant travel agent / tour escort / tourist guide must submit the application form before signing up for the training activity concerned. The grantee travel agent / tour escort / tourist guide will only be disbursed the subsidy when they have completed the training activity and the specified requirements are fulfilled.
Individual grantee travel agents / tour escorts / tourist guides must hold a valid travel agent’s licence / Tour Escort Licence / Tourist Guide Licence at the time of disbursement of the corresponding subsidies by the secretariat on behalf of the Airport Authority.
The applicant travel agent / tour escort / tourist guide may download the following documents for the application details:
- Application guide
- Application form (for staff members of travel agent) (Word format)
- Application form (for tour escort / tourist guide) (Word format)
For enquiries, please contact the secretariat (tel: 2969-8157; email: [email protected]).