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Cancellation deadline for package tours departing during Lunar New Year


Cancellation deadline for package tours departing during Lunar New Year


The Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong has issued a directive to its member agencies, stipulating that if they cancel a package tour destined for Guangdong Province which commences during the period from 7 to 13 February 2005 (both days inclusive), they must notify their clients of the cancellation at least 5 days in advance excluding the departure date. If they cancel a package tour to any destinations except within the Guangdong Province which commences during the same period, they must notify their clients of the cancellation at least 14 days in advance excluding the departure date. Failing that, member agencies must refund all money received and pay as compensation an amount equivalent to 15% of the package tour price but not exceeding HK$1,000 to the clients within 3 working days.